While I love the arena of academia and the cultivation of new paradigms in which to see the world, I remind myself to temper such analyses with reflections on the lived experience. They aren’t mutually exclusive, yet, they do talk to each other in dialogue and both are needed to discern wisdom. I find those who rely solely on one or the other lack balance and comprehensiveness, the product wrapped in rigidity and/or universalism. Temper, my friends!
On a totally unrelated note, the TV show American Idol starts tonight. Yes - finally! This is one of the few reality shows that tries to build people up, give them a venue to shine, allow them to showcase themselves and their talent (or lack thereof, quite honestly) to the world. While other shows provoke participants to sabotage and derail each other, American Idol is simply about doing your best. I thrive on the personalities, the songs, melodies, the audience, and the emotions that come with those who sing and dream. There is something in me that cheers this creativity and expression, this risk-taking and vulnerability. Sometimes I sing loudly, too, to the consternation of my neighbors.
On a slightly related note, I learned the other day that the word "nerd" comes from the Dr. Seuss book, "If I Ran the Zoo." There's a little more knowledge for you....