I think I may have caught a glimpse of what it might have been like for Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus (historical facts tell us this didn’t happen, but that doesn’t make it untrue!). While my Honda Civic is no match for a two humped camel, it felt like at times I was traveling at that pace due to winter snow and ice. In all, I was actually lucky when it came to dodging the worst of it - no blizzards, road closures, or time spent in a ditch. Maybe a camel would have been better given weather conditions.
Chicago to Cedar Rapids. Cedar Rapids to Des Moines. Des Moines to Ames. Ames to Walnut. Walnut to Omaha. Omaha to Walnut. Walnut to Des Moines. Des Moines to Chicago. Check!
I wouldn’t have traded the journey for anything. While the miles on the speedometer spiked and the time spent in the car droned on, the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends brought me joy this Christmas. As someone who values relationships immensely, it was important for me to catch up with friends from past lives and see counsins, aunts and uncles from all over the U.S. I was able to see a couple undergraduate friends from UNI and a couple graduate friends from ISU. I was able to be at my large family Christmas at the Amvet Hall in Walnut (yes, we have it in a hall, a house just doesn’t work for 75 people). Too much wine, champaign, and beer aside, this was quality time spent with quality people.
How could I be more grateful and blessed than this?
Like I said, I wouldn’t have traded this journey for anything. Though weary and a bit run down, I am sustained and inspired by my relationships with so many. These folks were certainly gifts to me this Holiday season, I only hope in some small way I was able to reciprocate the love they showed me.
I think I may have glimpsed more than what it may been like for Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem. I think I may have glimpsed a piece of the Christmas message, too!