Saturday, October 16, 2010

This is the Season!

I had a lovely Saturday. After being at Jeb's last night for the Sufjan Stevens concert I got home this morning to quickly shower and clean up before meeting a friend for a late morning coffee and meeting to discuss my work at Call to Action. If you aren't aware, I am the CTA 20/30 marketing chair and help the organization do outreach to progressive young adult Catholics. A part of my role is working with the national organization staff (headquartered here in Chicago) to devise and implement strategies aimed and letting people know there are "liberal Catholics" out there who stand for radical inclusion and justice for all - and of course to welcome and invite them to share in our vision and mission.

As I left the coffee shop and began my walk home I felt good about the meeting. I also felt blessed and honored to have the privilege of working on important issues related to Church and faith. As I continued to walk the tree-lined sidewalk, I immediately sensed the brisk air, the colors around me, and, looking around, the Halloween garb and autumn decorations. I sighed. I was overcome by a feeling of gratitude. I always sense the divine most strongly in the fall/autumn season, but this was the first time this fall that I really connected to God's outpouring, God's sharing of God's self with me through my work at CTA and this wonderful season of harvest. I kept walking and kept sighing. I kept thanking, too, for all life has given me. My harvest has already been plentiful! While the holiday of Thanksgiving is more than a month away, I had my own early "giving thanks" ritual this afternoon. I entered more deeply into this season - and into my own life - than I have in awhile. I'm thankful for that good place.

This week I started journeying in a small faith sharing group with 3 others who are making the Spiritual Exercises retreat. Since I made the retreat myself 4 years ago I've been involved since by either companioning someone or being a small group facilitator. I like both. I like the fact that I get to "re-experience" the retreat anew each year in different ways - with different people. I don't facilitate, really. Rather, like the others, I attempt to create a space and openness to walk around in all that life has lead me to in that moment. Sharing that in a faithful community is transforming. Please pray for myself and the others who are making the retreat.

Finally, if you haven't had a chance to read my latest e-reflection "Attending to Our Restlessness" feel free to check that out. My "professional blog" is and you can catch the reflection there.

Later this week I'll be gearing up for my cousin Matt's wedding in Kansas City. As all "lead ushers" must do, I am heading southwest to get'em through and sit'em down. I've had some practice at this - isn't there a saying that goes something like "Always the usher, never the ...." Maybe not. I am just excited to see family and looking forward to the celebration. There will be celebrating.

I hope you are in a good place, too.

Peace always.

1 comment:

  1. Did you go home after you walk to light a harvest Yankee candle?
